UK & EUROPE// 2003-2005

By FreQ Nasty (Darin McFadyen), Art director/motion graphics artist and VJ Cindy Lee, New Zealand's Weta Digital (Gollum in Lord of the Rings), Jamie Hewlett's Flesh Eaters company (the team behind the Gorillaz animations and artwork)

Live audio-visual show (1 hour) DJ’d by music producer FreQ Nasty, with custom made graphics designed by Cindy Lee (art direction, motion graphics, VJing of live shows). Live show performed with singer/MC YOLA and Spoonface.

FreQ Nasty character designed by Flesh Eaters and animated by the Brothers Mogg at Weta Digital.

SHOWN AT: 2 years of touring the UK and Europe in festivals including the 2004 Glastonbury Music Festival in the UK, Glu Glu in Budapest, Break Nation in Spain and Lab Art in St Petersburg and clubs such as Fabric London, Carling Academy, Bristol.
Print exhibition of show graphics at Charterhouse, London.

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